
Lithium fluoride

Molecular formula:FLi

Chemical properties: lithium fluoride is white powder, which is a sodium chloride crystal structure. The relative density is 2.640, melting point is 848 ℃, boiling point is 1673 ℃. The steam was alkaline at 1100-1200 ℃. Lithium fluoride is slightly soluble in water, and difficult to dissolve in alcohol and other organic solvents. At room temperature, lithium fluoride is easy to dissolve in nitric acid and sulfuric acid, but it is not soluble in hydrochloric acid, and li2hf acid salt can be produced with hydrofluoric acid. Lithium fluoride can be used as a assistant solvent in glass lining, copper and aluminum welding and salt melting chemical process; it is also recommended as carrier for storage of solar radiation heat energy in aerospace technology; it can also be used in aluminum electrolysis and metallurgy industry. High purity lithium fluoride is used to make fluorinated glass, and also for prism of spectrometer and X-ray monochromator. Lithium ion battery raw materials.

Uses: lithium fluoride can be widely used as a cosolvent in glass lining, copper and aluminum welding process and salt melting chemical process; it is also recommended as a heat carrier for space technology to store solar radiation heat energy; it can also be used in aluminum electrolysis and metallurgical industry. High purity lithium fluoride is used to make fluorinated glass and prism of spectrometer and X-ray monochromator. Lithium ion battery materials.

There are two production methods: neutralization and double decomposition. Neutralization method is often used in industrial production. The neutralization method is the reaction of lithium carbonate or lithium hydroxide with hydrofluoric acid to prepare lithium fluoride. Li2CO3 + 2hf = 2lif + CO2 + H2O, the solid lithium carbonate is added into the hydrogen fluoride solution to precipitate LiF crystal, and the product is obtained by filtration and drying.

Category: toxic substances

Acute toxicity: oral - rat LD50: 143 mg / kg

Flammability hazard characteristics: incombustible; toxic smoke containing lithium oxide and fluoride produced in the fire site;

Storage and transportation characteristics: warehouse ventilation and low temperature drying; separate storage and transportation with food

Storage and transportation characteristics: warehouse ventilation and low temperature drying; separate from food storage and transportation fire extinguishing agent: water, sand

Occupational standards: TLV-TWA 2.5 mg (f) / m3; STEL 5 mg (f) / m3